The average American spends 50 hours looking for parking each year.

Parcupine investigates how mobile technology can transform parking in cities. It aims to turn over parking space to local users in a flexible, equitable way. It uses mobile phones to locate, pay for, and manage parking spaces. Drivers can see the price and availability of these spots, in real-time, from anywhere.

Smart Cities

By reducing time spent searching and paying for parking, drivers benefit while also reducing energy use, air pollution, and traffic congestion in the city.

We can do this without need for new street meters or embedded car sensors, relying on digital traces and crowdsourced information to monitor spot availability.

This saves the public on maintenance, collection, and enforcement costs.

Participate Now.

We are testing Parcupine on the MIT campus, where users can download and try our mobile app with real parking spaces. Participants can earn cash for helping test our system. The pilot runs from Nov 5 through Nov 16.

Help us test Parcupine!

Contact Info

Press Materials
The material on this website can be used freely in any publication provided that:
  1. It is duly credited as a project by the MIT Senseable City Lab.
  2. PDF copy of the publication is sent to
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Parcupine is a research project of the MIT Senseable City Lab.

App team
Sunny Long
Mark Yen
Mike Xia
Eddie Xue
Gordon Zheng
Research team
Eric Baczuk
David Lee
Aurimas Bukauskas
Design team
Matthias Danzmeyr
E Roon Kang
NJ namju Lee
Gabriele Musella
Kyuha Shim
Carlo Ratti
Assaf Biderman

Special thanks to Larry Brutti, the MIT Parking Office, and the MIT Behavioral Research Lab for helping set up our experiment on the MIT campus.
