As digital technologies are increasingly deployed in transport networks, data generated by their operations can offer new perspectives onto a city's overall dynamics. When Singaporeans move through the city, sensors and digital networks are at play, supporting their movements: electronic road pricing gantries, car-counting loop detectors, and public transport smart cards, to name a few, generate data as part of their operations.
In collaboration with Singapore's Land Transport Authority, the Senseable City Lab has developed three interactive applications that provide insight into the wealth of information that the data generated by Singapore's transportation infrastructure offer.
Through these applications, experts and citizens alike can gain a better understanding on how Singaporeans move through urban space, and explore the various narratives found within urban mobility. The interactive combination, and exploration, of these different data can also inspire new services and tools supporting current, and future, urban mobility options.

As part of the LIVE Singapore! initiative, these three applications further explore how we can meaningfully enable the combination of real-time urban data to enhance the design of new solutions that address the opportunities and challenges of our future cities.

Future Urban Mobility | Symposium 2012
The Visual Explorations Of Urban Mobility project was presented at the 2012 Future Urban Mobility Symposium organized by SMART (Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology) at the National University of Singapore in January 2012. Over a two day period, researchers, and representatives from Singapore government agencies and industry partners explored the applications first hand.
  • Kristian Kloeckl, project leader
  • Afian Anwar
  • Rohit Bhatnagar
  • Pedro Cruz
  • Nic Marchesi
  • Till Nagel
  • Oliver Senn
  • Carlo Ratti, director
  • Assaf Biderman, associate director
In collaboration with
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