To understand the impact of air pollution on human activity we use 50 million geo-tagged Weibo (the Chinese Twitter) check-ins as a proxy. The air quality data consists of daily records of all the monitored pollutants for 251 cities. We define sensitivity as the impact of air pollution on urban activity: a decrease in Weibo check-ins indicates a greater sensitivity to air quality.
As different cities react differently to air pollution, we observe 3 main trends. One of the factor that can explain this spatial heterogeneity is income.
People in a city with an income of 20,300 Yuan above the average are 1.6x more sensitive.
Air pollution alone can’t explain sensitivity. Here we compare two hypothetical cities with different air pollution and income levels. We observe that a less polluted city with a high average income has about the same sensitivity as a more polluted city with a lower income.
This suggests that richer people can protect themselves by avoiding urban activity and reducing their exposure to pollution. That advantage is an environmental injustice.
Locals are at least 4x more sensitive to air pollution than tourists. Travelling expenses and limited travel duration could explain tourists’ minor concerns of air pollution, whereas locals have more flexibility.
The leisure-related activities are 4-6x more influenced by air pollution than the work-related activities. The flexibility of leisure activities allows locals to avoid exposure risks.